Thursday, September 6, 2007

Comfortably Numb (well..a small part of it!)

The good thing about rain during summer: it's refreshing, no bugs, emerald green forests...and nobody on the bike trails! Well, that last point is not good - as I love to bike as much as anyone here in Whistler, however from a dog hiking perspective, rain rules! Here taking a bath in one of the pools along Comfortably Numb is Jester, Mika, Bergan, Tahoe and Sophie..and Mika giving me a muddy smile in the next shot!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Speaking of small dogs...

...check out Bandit! He's soooooo funny! I haven't seen him for ages, and was a bit worried that he'd slow the pack down, seeing as we are all in hill training lately, but he ruled, and didn't stand nonsense from anyone! At first he was trotting at the back, then he suddenly realized that the pack was leaving him behind, so really went for it! Check him out here: Getting a bit left behind at the start, enjoying the view at a rest spot, yelling at me, then mingling with the pack!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Oscar Rules!

...he is so cute! I was never a real fan of small dogs until I lived with The Ween (Aka Marley) she was soooo funny! So imagine my delight when Oscar was on last Monday's hike...he was awesome! Real shy at first, then bouncing around all over the place - he looked like a ferret at times, he kind of arched his back the way they do like he was made of rubber! He was a bit too shy to ride in the back with the gang so he was welcome company up front...check him out here looking cool watching the road and smiling for the camera!

From the archives...

...well, about 2 weeks ago, just HAD to post the muddy Buddy shot! He looks so pleased with himself!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Yay sun! (again and at last!)

Well it's been lovely again lately, been running and howling away with the much fun! I swam with them all today in Loggers, no pix but just had to tell..they were so funny! I leapt in as it was so hot, and Dex, Ever, and Cooper were so stoked they squeaked and paddled right up to me, the others looked surprised and barked on the bank before leaping in...dogfest - yaaaaay! from the last few sunshine hikes are as follows...

Duke with a view! Awesome valley piccy looking towards Pemby, then the next shot is running with clouds racing overhead - it looks like Bud Bud, Carman and Jester - can't make out who's leading the way....

The next piccy is Stewwie and Ever. They are so alike! Stew-man has amber eyes and Ever's are deep brown, gorgeous dogs, always smiling :)

Last shot is Ruby Roo overlooking the Rainbow Glacier checking out the valley below. We had just run up the hill straight out the truck and used this outcropping to rest a bit before continuing the climb...awesome spot!

Monday, July 23, 2007

More Rain!!!

Well, it's hard trying to take pictures with raging hounds and pouring rain, but at least the hikes are fun! We seem to be running further on the single track, and stopping to mingle around less as it's warmer just to keep going! It's great training for us all though...tired legs all round! These shots are from a couple of different days:

Ever gets tired first and sits at my heels panting like a train, I turned and captured her expression - talk about pooched!

Bella always seems to have a folder ear, it drives me mad! She seems oblivious until Jester or Teddy try to lick it - ewww! In this Jayda (left) then Bella, Dutchess without a head, and Carman's tail during time out on a rock!

Crossing this creek was fun, it was a slightly burmed - yikes! Leading the way is Indy, followed by Avi, Dex and Maggie, the top of Carman's head and the Tedster taking the wet route!

Muddy and tired they wait for treats, bless! L-R: Avi, Cooper, Ever, Teddy, Dex, Indy's back, and Carman

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Treats In The truck!

Check out the cute expressions's the end of a hike on a hot sunny day, and they have all earned a little pick-me-up! From left: Ever, Teddy, Avi, Jester, Carman, and Cooper. Ruby, Jayda, and Mika are out of sight waiting patiently - I had to almost climb over the others to ensure they had their share, and consequently I ended up covered in slobber, fur, and licks - Jester in particular got me in the ear pretty good!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Mud and Water

Avi has the cutest expression here...she looks all guilty after getting herself covered in mud, but I was just laughing hard at her appearance rather than scolding her...dogs will be dogs! She soon cleaned up after a swim - check out from left: Karma, Cooper, Ever and Jester all cooling off. Good times!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Carman whispers in Teddy's ear

Carman wins MVP award today for sure...she was great! She is really learning fast now after an excitable start with us all. She sat when asked, stayed, waited and even took cookies nicely without the usual foghorn bark and dancing on her hind legs...yaaaaaay Carman, 10/10! Here she is Whispering politely in Teddy's ear for the stick he has...ha!

Teddy Smiles and Jester kisses Cooper

Oh man check Teddy out, soooooo cute! He and Ever are waiting patiently for final cuddles after today's hike. They were all sooooo awesome - they jumped in the truck one by one and sat waiting patiently for me to hug each dog and give a little treat before being driven home. Unreal day, dogs RULE!!! Jester also gives Cooper a kiss (he LOVES her), bless!

Maggie poses while Dex forages in the undergrowth

Dex and Maggie are awesome - Maggie is quite shy but such a good girl and so squishy and cuddly! Dex rages around and seems to be more dominant, but is a real sweetheart too, I haven't seen them too much in the past but was great to hang out with them today! The sun shone, the pack were AWESOME, great times!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Uh...where did the sun go...?

After a scorchio May, it's a damp June alright...ah well, means we can run further without getting too dehydrated, yippeee! Not too many pictures as my cell phone isn't too happy in the rain, however...the man managed to snap this one last week, we were all raging round the trails at full speed and he was tail guide! It was so funny as there was a series of switchbacks, and as we ran along all I could see zig-zagging in front of me was grinning, panting, and yapping dogs..heaven! You can just make out from L-R: Ever, Indy, Teddy and of course me! Carman the Bassett pup was on the other end of the leash and the rest of the pack led the charge...good times!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Loggers Lake Good Times

WHAT an awesome day! We marched up to Loggers and instead of going round Crater Rim we swam, and then raged around the woods, and then swam again...and then raged climbing today, too hot! More fun to play near the water. Jayda was the only one who didn't dive in - she contemplated it, but preferred to sit with me and get splashed and licked : )

In no particular order...Jester and Dutchess fall over Bergan, who falls in! Ruby swims, raging round the trees, Jester smiles for the shot before leaping in again, Jayda contemplates, dogs on logs and Oban paddles around..

Monday, April 30, 2007

Duke makes me laugh, and Mika and Ever find more snow :)

Duke the pug is so funny - I always imagine he would be like Danny De Vito if he were a man, and this shot set me off laughing as the stick looked like a big fat cigar in his mouth - he was running along with it in his jaws as if saying "you talkin' to me?" ..the photo doesn't show it as well because it moved by the time I took the shot, but either way, he's a cutey :) Also, check out some of the final paw prints in snow!

The second pic is when Mi-Mi (Mika) and Ever found some more snow, I think this was a couple of weeks ago now, one of those low cloud / wild wind days...but still worth a shot. Mika seemed to be cooling herself down whereas Ever flew through the air to land on someone, I forget who, probably Spanks - she always gets attention!

It's been a while!

Wow! Suddenly it feels and smells like summer! The hounds have been raging (as have we) with the novelty of warm sunshine, traction (no snow at lower elevations, we can run now, yaaaaaay!) and still some snow to play in high up - perfect! In no particular order here are some recent woofers enjoying the fresh air :): Ruby catches her breath, Scout and Spanky pause for a split second before careering round again, the pack rages in the rain, Boo contemplates a swim in the half frozen Loggers lake, and check out Scout's new haircut and the length of her legs! No wonder she can leap so high!