Monday, April 30, 2007

Duke makes me laugh, and Mika and Ever find more snow :)

Duke the pug is so funny - I always imagine he would be like Danny De Vito if he were a man, and this shot set me off laughing as the stick looked like a big fat cigar in his mouth - he was running along with it in his jaws as if saying "you talkin' to me?" ..the photo doesn't show it as well because it moved by the time I took the shot, but either way, he's a cutey :) Also, check out some of the final paw prints in snow!

The second pic is when Mi-Mi (Mika) and Ever found some more snow, I think this was a couple of weeks ago now, one of those low cloud / wild wind days...but still worth a shot. Mika seemed to be cooling herself down whereas Ever flew through the air to land on someone, I forget who, probably Spanks - she always gets attention!

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