Thursday, March 22, 2007

Newbie Joins The Crew!

Carman the Basset is sooooooo funny, she hasn't yet grown into her body so her head and ears seems way too big! She is all squishy and puppy soft, and this shot was taken the first day I met her. She rode in the truck with me so we could get to know each other. This shot was taken in between pitiful howls as she didn't understand why I kept getting out and leaving her to put the others in the back on the way to the hike. She was all confused for a bit there...until she met the others who all sniffed her with interest, and after a bewildered couple of minutes she soon got the gist of it all and nearly pulled my arms off as she rushed off to play! She rules, she is learning soooo fast and gets in the truck happily with the others and seems to attract fascination from Spanky (funky little white Westie) who runs around her in circles yapping.

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